



Gender: Girl

Age: 21(Actually 146)

Weight: 100 lbs.

Birthday: August 12, 1865(2010)

Release: March 9, 2011

Voice Range: ?

Genre: Sad, Classic, Sometimes pop

Character Item: Locket with picture of creator in it.

Voice Source: Luka Megurine

Likes: Dogs, cleaning, her master.

Dislikes: Dirt, people who killed her master, mice.

Related Characters: Gumi and Luka Megurine

Homepage: NONE

Creator: Josh Fiddle( Aryn, anmiegodess from youtube)

Signature Song: Kokoro

Story: Down

Number: 120908

Personality: Nice, sometimes mean, gets affencive easliy

Voice: Luka Megurine; Audacity, low 30.000 then low 14.000


F2-Zo was built in 1865. Her master was Josh Fiddle. He made her because he[]

was getting lonely ever since his wife and his daughter,Rose, died. He also made[]

F2-Zo for being a housekeeper. Then all the sudden, F2-Zo shut down(or fell[]

asleep). Her master wrote a note before he was killed. Then when F2-Zo woke up,she[]

found herself in the basement of the house. She looked around. She saw the[]

note and opened it up and she read it:[]

Dear F2-Zo,[]

If you found this, then I am dead. I'm sorry my child. But, go out to the city, and sing[]

to make money. I know you can sing. Just try.And the year is not 1868 my dear.[]

Go to a store and check a calander. Then you will know. And, I left you $4 billon[]

dollars. I am sorry I'm not here. I love you my child. Greatly.[]

From, Master.[]

And F2-Zo cried for the first time. She went to a mirror and let her hair down. She put[]

threw her hair band holder. And cried. Her clothes were not white, they were tan. She cried until[]

Gumi and Luka Megurine found her. Luka and Gumi said they would take care of F2-Zo[]

until they died. F2-Zo's closest friends were Luka and Gumi,and somehow, they all became[]



